Home Energy Lifeline Program (HELP)
Let us help get you back on track
Paying bills can be stressful, but we’re here to help. PSE’s Home Energy Lifeline Program (HELP) provides assistance for residential customers to help pay electric or natural gas bills. If you qualify, we’ll credit your account for up to $1,000. To apply, begin your application below to receive the help you need.
If you have already applied you can view your application status.
See if you're eligible!
Find out if you qualify before applying. Just provide your household's gross monthly income, number of people in your household and the county where you live. After learning your preliminary status, complete the online application below.
Learn more about our income guidelines
Additional financial assistance
You may also qualify for additional assistance programs. In fact, by applying for PSE Help, we will automatically start an application for Bill Discount Rate, our bill discount program.
Both HELP and Bill Discount Rate provide significant discounts to customers who qualify, based on their household size and income. A single application takes two minutes to complete. No additional documentation is required.
Other assistance options
We have other bill assistance, home weatherization programs, along with information on Federal and non-profit programs.
I’m receiving a PSE HELP grant, do I still need to pay my payment arrangement?
Please continue to pay the amount due on your bills, including any payment arrangement amounts.
How do I get help with my bill if I’m told that funding has run out?
Please contact PSE if your local agency informs you that PSE HELP funding has run out.
Do the funds from PSE HELP need to be paid back to PSE?
No, PSE will not ask you to pay back a PSE HELP grant.